Monday, July 8, 2013

bankruptcy qualifications

Our legacy of compassionate service and innovative solutions stands apart.

In the field of financial counseling, people have many choices. But few counseling agencies have been trusted for so long, by so many people, as CredAbility.  Since 1964, we have provided dedicated, compassionate care, helping millions of people move successfully from crisis to control.

bankruptcy pros and cons

We have the right services to put your finances back on track.

CredAbility offers holistic care and support from experienced, certified counselors. We take a comprehensive view of your situation. And together, we will prepare a step-by-step plan to help you reach and maintain financial stability.
Our professional services include budget and credit counseling, debt management plans, housing counseling and bankruptcy counseling. Plus, we offer a comprehensive curriculum of educational programs.
All of our services are available nationwide—24/7, online and by telephone—in both English and Spanish. In addition, we offer in-person counseling at 28 offices throughout the southeastern US.

bankruptcy payments

National Nonprofit Credit Counseling Organization Says Consumers Paid Down $122 Million in Debt in 2010, Most Ever in 47 Years
ATLANTA, GA – Consumers are using Debt Management Plans more than ever to get back on their feet financially. CredAbility reports that in 2010, 27,818 consumers participated in its Debt Management Plans (DMP) and paid back more than $122 million to their creditors. The $122 million is a record for the 47-year-old nonprofit credit counseling organization, and a three percent increase from the $118 million paid back in 2009.
“Many consumers are deciding to take control of their financial lives by working with their creditors to pay down their debt, even if it takes 36 months or longer,” said Vicki Williams, vice president of Debt Management Plan Services for CredAbility. “They realize that this is a more responsible way to reduce debt and rebuild their credit compared to debt settlement or debt consolidation services offered by for-profit companies.”
Read more at bankruptcy payments

bankruptcy online

Become debt-free sooner than you think.

Getting into debt can happen to anybody. It can start with a job loss, a medical crisis, a natural disaster or even life in general. No one is immune.
But once your debt starts to mount, don't rely on just anybody to get you out of trouble.
CredAbility makes it simple to pay down your debt.
Through our Debt Management Plans (DMP), you can pay off your credit cards, lower your interest rates, eliminate fees and put an end to collection calls - forever. Sound like a plan? Good, because our Certified Credit Counselors can help you get out of debt in four simple steps.
Read more at bankruptcy online

bankruptcy laws chapter 7

Reverse Mortgage: are the costs and risks worth it?

There are a lot of opinions about reverse mortgages. Some say they offer you financial freedom. Others warn of a financial stranglehold. So, who do you believe?
CredAbility has been offering expert financial advice since 1964.
We have helped thousands of people like you with free, expert financial counseling. First, we'll educate you on the pros and cons of reverse mortgages. Then we'll look at your individual circumstances. Because you are unique, we'll help you come up with a solution that is just right for you.

bankruptcy facts

Reverse Mortgage: are the costs and risks worth it?

There are a lot of opinions about reverse mortgages. Some say they offer you financial freedom. Others warn of a financial stranglehold. So, who do you believe?
CredAbility has been offering expert financial advice since 1964.
We have helped thousands of people like you with free, expert financial counseling. First, we'll educate you on the pros and cons of reverse mortgages. Then we'll look at your individual circumstances. Because you are unique, we'll help you come up with a solution that is just right for you.
Read more at bankruptcy facts

bankruptcy discharge papers

Trying to prevent the foreclosure process? CredAbility can help with a free review of potential options such as mortgage modification, repayment plans and more.

Whether you’re facing the foreclosure process or are concerned you might, CredAbility can help with free, confidential foreclosure prevention counseling.
In a counseling session, we’ll help you understand the foreclosure process and review alternatives that may be available to you such as mortgage modification, which often requires working with lenders to refinance debt over a longer time period, thereby reducing the monthly payment. Other options might include temporarily suspended payments or special repayment plans.